Community letters
Mr Stephen Kerr, MSP, Letter to the First Minister, 22nd March 2019
Response to Mr Kerr, 17th May 2019.
Response to Mr Kerr, 17th May 2019.
"I wrote to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to raise my disappointment at her Government's handling of the Park of Keir project, where the development was waved through despite significant local public opposition, and the refusal of the local Council.
I also requested that she not spend taxpayers' money to fund the project, a recent revelation that I was made aware of.
The answer I received gives me little confidence. Read below my letter and the response I received:" Mr Stephen Kerr, 22nd May 2019
I also requested that she not spend taxpayers' money to fund the project, a recent revelation that I was made aware of.
The answer I received gives me little confidence. Read below my letter and the response I received:" Mr Stephen Kerr, 22nd May 2019
Stirling Observer
27th March 2019
27th March 2019
Stirling Observer
22nd March 2019
22nd March 2019
Stirling Observer
31st March 2019
31st March 2019
Stirling Observer
5th December 2018
5th December 2018
Stirling Observer
21st November 2018
21st November 2018
Stirling Observer
21st November 2018
21st November 2018
Stirling Observer
14th November 2018
14th November 2018
Stirling Observer
10th October 2018
10th October 2018
Stirling Observer
29th August 2018
29th August 2018
Stirling Observer
27th June 2018
27th June 2018
12th May 2018
Councillor announcement
Councillor announcement
30th September 2017
Dear Sir
Park of Keir Development : Bridge of Allan Community Council Response
On behalf of the Community Council of Bridge of Allan, I write to express our profound dismay and disappointment at what appears to be a perverse, aberrant and self-evidently untenable decision to grant planning permission for the Park of Keir development.
Sanctioning and positively endorsing such a significant intrusion into a lovely and valued green belt area which is cherished not just by the local populace but by the wider community is, in our view, singularly misguided and ill-advised, creating, as it does, a disquieting precedent for the future.
In view of the Scottish Government’s insistence that the development is of regional and national importance, it is difficult, in this context, to discern a genuinely persuasive rationale in support of this assertion. It is questionable, for example, whether the aspiration of establishing Park of Keir as a National Centre for tennis outwith the major conurbations can realistically be achieved to any substantive degree. In addition, the close proximity to the National Tennis Coaching Centre, three local tennis clubs plus the new indoor development at Gleneagles further amplifies the illogical nature of the decision.
The most troubling aspect of this decision is the fact that what is surely a fundamental element of the Scottish Devolution settlement, namely respect for local and regional democracy, has been treated with flagrant and breathtaking disregard. As well as disparaging the views of local residents who, for many years now, have resolutely opposed Park of Keir developments and also discounting the assessment of Stirling Council which rejected this application, the readiness of the Scottish Government to brush aside the decision of the Independent Reporter who led the lengthy public enquiry will surely leave an indelible blemish on its record.
Yours sincerely
Mike Watson ( Chair, Bridge of Allan Community Council )
Dear Sir
Park of Keir Development : Bridge of Allan Community Council Response
On behalf of the Community Council of Bridge of Allan, I write to express our profound dismay and disappointment at what appears to be a perverse, aberrant and self-evidently untenable decision to grant planning permission for the Park of Keir development.
Sanctioning and positively endorsing such a significant intrusion into a lovely and valued green belt area which is cherished not just by the local populace but by the wider community is, in our view, singularly misguided and ill-advised, creating, as it does, a disquieting precedent for the future.
In view of the Scottish Government’s insistence that the development is of regional and national importance, it is difficult, in this context, to discern a genuinely persuasive rationale in support of this assertion. It is questionable, for example, whether the aspiration of establishing Park of Keir as a National Centre for tennis outwith the major conurbations can realistically be achieved to any substantive degree. In addition, the close proximity to the National Tennis Coaching Centre, three local tennis clubs plus the new indoor development at Gleneagles further amplifies the illogical nature of the decision.
The most troubling aspect of this decision is the fact that what is surely a fundamental element of the Scottish Devolution settlement, namely respect for local and regional democracy, has been treated with flagrant and breathtaking disregard. As well as disparaging the views of local residents who, for many years now, have resolutely opposed Park of Keir developments and also discounting the assessment of Stirling Council which rejected this application, the readiness of the Scottish Government to brush aside the decision of the Independent Reporter who led the lengthy public enquiry will surely leave an indelible blemish on its record.
Yours sincerely
Mike Watson ( Chair, Bridge of Allan Community Council )
5th September 2017
Excellent letter in The Scotsman pointing out the unfairness of our legal system which has no right of Appeal for a government decision.
Excellent letter in The Scotsman pointing out the unfairness of our legal system which has no right of Appeal for a government decision.
4th September 2017
Stephen Kerr, MSP Stirling
Stephen Kerr, MSP Stirling
Small man has no voice in Scotland
Like most local people I was stunned and appalled at the Scottish Governments decision to find in favour of the contentious housing / sports development at Park of Keir, this despite it being refused by Stirling Council, vehemently opposed by locals for over 28 years and the findings of the government appointed Reporter who recommended refusal.
Where is the democracy? It seems the Small Man has no voice in Scotland.
Despite a postal mail out with a glossy colour flyer to every home in Bridge of Allan and Dunblane by Ms. Murray asking people to help her " Realise my Dream " she only managed to get 45 letters of support,by comparison over 1,000 letters of objection went into Stirling Council , incidentally, the most they had ever had yet this was rubbished by the builder as a paltry amount while omitting to mention the miniscule by comparison letters of support.
What does this tell us about the "Murray Legacy" the 1st Minister is intent on leaving in Dunblane for her pal Judy. It's saying loud and clear that it's not wanted, not at the expense of a green belt site that's important in defining two distinct communities in danger of becoming part of a Greater Stirling.
Why don't the Murrays respect the wishes of local people, who up to now have supported at least Andy Murray while being bemused by the fact that his mother has cashed in on his success and gone from an amateur tennis coach to a wealthy celebrity which incidentally she “Didn't ask for". Really ?
Jamie's arrogant comment that Park of Keir is two empty fields and the whole of Scotland is one Big Green Belt speaks volumes about how much the Murrays really care for people here and their wishes. Remember the Murrays don't even live here anymore.
So where are we as things stand now ? Park of Keir is just one of 53% of similar cases this year alone where the Scottish Government has saw fit to side with developers against local council decisions.
This is not democracy as I have perceived it, yet according to the 1st Minister " This is the way it should be and the way it will be ". So why bother spending tax payers money on a Local Authority Planning Dept when the 1st Minister is taking the decision out their hands ?
As a former SNP supporter and someone who wanted to see an independent Scotland in his lifetime I now feel like many others that the SNP are not fit to govern.
I wrote to both the 1st Minister and Kevin Stewart asking if they could have a meeting with local people to explain the decision, they had after all had many meetings with Judy Murray. Not surprisingly my letter was not even acknowledged.
Often banded about is the old chestnut, "Nimby" , does that apply to the large majority of the local community ?
We must all be Nimbys for not seeing the advantages King / Murray have in store for us , because according to them. this is a non profit making venture purely for the benefit of the people . Aye right ! That's the old chestnut .
The Reporter voiced concerns that the Sports Centre would need extra funding and that would possibly be achieved by building more houses. The original plans were for 100 top end homes so that is likely still the end figure the builder has in mind for when the first 19 go up this is no longer deemed a Green Belt site.
My concern is also that this sets a precedent and the proposed 800 houses being applied for at the other end of Bridge of Allan has a lever to help have this passed. Incidentally this effectively joins Stirling to Bridge of Allan at one end while Park of Keir will end up on the outskirts of Dunblane at the other.
What about the Traffic Calming measures being put in on the old A9? The only road connecting B of A with the Keir Roundabout, this to accommodate a new entrance and filter lane to the development. So , the already jammed and chaotic road will be even more congested.
Once this becomes common knowledge there will be even more fury.
I'm afraid the gold on Andys post box is becoming tarnished and the Murray Legacy will not be one they should be proud of.
They should do the right thing and bow to peoples wishes, that is a good legacy to leave and put the Sports Centre on one of the many other brown field sites on offer. As it's been said all along, this is not a site specific development and would be welcomed elsewhere.
Dave Cantwell
Stirling Observer, 27/9/2017, p30
permission to publish by author has been granted
Like most local people I was stunned and appalled at the Scottish Governments decision to find in favour of the contentious housing / sports development at Park of Keir, this despite it being refused by Stirling Council, vehemently opposed by locals for over 28 years and the findings of the government appointed Reporter who recommended refusal.
Where is the democracy? It seems the Small Man has no voice in Scotland.
Despite a postal mail out with a glossy colour flyer to every home in Bridge of Allan and Dunblane by Ms. Murray asking people to help her " Realise my Dream " she only managed to get 45 letters of support,by comparison over 1,000 letters of objection went into Stirling Council , incidentally, the most they had ever had yet this was rubbished by the builder as a paltry amount while omitting to mention the miniscule by comparison letters of support.
What does this tell us about the "Murray Legacy" the 1st Minister is intent on leaving in Dunblane for her pal Judy. It's saying loud and clear that it's not wanted, not at the expense of a green belt site that's important in defining two distinct communities in danger of becoming part of a Greater Stirling.
Why don't the Murrays respect the wishes of local people, who up to now have supported at least Andy Murray while being bemused by the fact that his mother has cashed in on his success and gone from an amateur tennis coach to a wealthy celebrity which incidentally she “Didn't ask for". Really ?
Jamie's arrogant comment that Park of Keir is two empty fields and the whole of Scotland is one Big Green Belt speaks volumes about how much the Murrays really care for people here and their wishes. Remember the Murrays don't even live here anymore.
So where are we as things stand now ? Park of Keir is just one of 53% of similar cases this year alone where the Scottish Government has saw fit to side with developers against local council decisions.
This is not democracy as I have perceived it, yet according to the 1st Minister " This is the way it should be and the way it will be ". So why bother spending tax payers money on a Local Authority Planning Dept when the 1st Minister is taking the decision out their hands ?
As a former SNP supporter and someone who wanted to see an independent Scotland in his lifetime I now feel like many others that the SNP are not fit to govern.
I wrote to both the 1st Minister and Kevin Stewart asking if they could have a meeting with local people to explain the decision, they had after all had many meetings with Judy Murray. Not surprisingly my letter was not even acknowledged.
Often banded about is the old chestnut, "Nimby" , does that apply to the large majority of the local community ?
We must all be Nimbys for not seeing the advantages King / Murray have in store for us , because according to them. this is a non profit making venture purely for the benefit of the people . Aye right ! That's the old chestnut .
The Reporter voiced concerns that the Sports Centre would need extra funding and that would possibly be achieved by building more houses. The original plans were for 100 top end homes so that is likely still the end figure the builder has in mind for when the first 19 go up this is no longer deemed a Green Belt site.
My concern is also that this sets a precedent and the proposed 800 houses being applied for at the other end of Bridge of Allan has a lever to help have this passed. Incidentally this effectively joins Stirling to Bridge of Allan at one end while Park of Keir will end up on the outskirts of Dunblane at the other.
What about the Traffic Calming measures being put in on the old A9? The only road connecting B of A with the Keir Roundabout, this to accommodate a new entrance and filter lane to the development. So , the already jammed and chaotic road will be even more congested.
Once this becomes common knowledge there will be even more fury.
I'm afraid the gold on Andys post box is becoming tarnished and the Murray Legacy will not be one they should be proud of.
They should do the right thing and bow to peoples wishes, that is a good legacy to leave and put the Sports Centre on one of the many other brown field sites on offer. As it's been said all along, this is not a site specific development and would be welcomed elsewhere.
Dave Cantwell
Stirling Observer, 27/9/2017, p30
permission to publish by author has been granted
Letter to Local Councillor
Dear Councillor,
I am one of the many objectors to the Park of Keir development who is appalled at the recent Scottish Government decision to overturn all planning decisions refusing this development.
I gave many of my reasons extensively in my letter to Stirling Council in 2014. I would like to add the following:
4. The decision has only been passed because it is deemed to be of ‘regional/national importance’. However, the
majority of the development is NOT OF REGIONAL/NATIONAL IMPORTANCE:
5. The much talked about woodland walks are already there. The cycleway could be easily installed without any need
for development.
6. The woodland is on the Ancient Woodland Inventory. On the plans, the proposed housing estate and golf course
are shown bordering the edge of the woodland. Over time, this will seriously undermine the woodland from:
website, houses over about £500,000 often sit for months unsold with the prices being steadily reduced. Families
in the area struggle to find affordable 3-4 bed homes up to about £350,000.
I urge you to challenge this decision by the Scottish Government in the strongest terms and to seek to have this decision overturned as undemocratic.
Kind regards,
A local resident*.
September 2017.
*We respect the author's wish to remain anonymous.
Dear Councillor,
I am one of the many objectors to the Park of Keir development who is appalled at the recent Scottish Government decision to overturn all planning decisions refusing this development.
I gave many of my reasons extensively in my letter to Stirling Council in 2014. I would like to add the following:
- The decision is undemocratic. It makes a mockery of the planning process.
- The decision represents a monumental waste of public resources. Why spend so much public money on planning guidelines/regulations and on seeking expert advice for the decision to be overturned by a politician with no specialist knowledge?
- This is being presented as being about ‘legacy’. But a good legacy should benefit the MANY and not the FEW. This means that a legacy should be about:
- Bringing sport to the masses for health benefits not for elite competition
- Locating the sports facilities in an area easily accessible by public transport
- Locating the sports facilities in a major conurbation
- Locating the facilities in an area where there are few or no facilities
- Locating the facilities in a less affluent area where people are currently doing less sport (Most children in Dunblane and Bridge of Allan already spend their evenings being taxied around to a variety of sporting and cultural activities)
- Locating the facilities in an area where people are currently less healthy and where there are higher levels of obesity (Most children in Dunblane and Bridge of Allan are not obese, compared to high percentages of obesity in other areas of Scotland)
4. The decision has only been passed because it is deemed to be of ‘regional/national importance’. However, the
majority of the development is NOT OF REGIONAL/NATIONAL IMPORTANCE:
- A 6 hole golf course is surely NOT OF REGIONAL/NATIONAL IMPORTANCE
5. The much talked about woodland walks are already there. The cycleway could be easily installed without any need
for development.
6. The woodland is on the Ancient Woodland Inventory. On the plans, the proposed housing estate and golf course
are shown bordering the edge of the woodland. Over time, this will seriously undermine the woodland from:
- Greenkeepers wishing to cut down edge trees which have grown and are shading the golf course
- Householders wishing to cut down edge trees which have grown and are shading their gardens
- Householders tipping garden waste into the woods creating invasion of non-native species
- As edge trees get cut down, this compromises the whole wood over time and makes more trees vulnerable to wind blow.
website, houses over about £500,000 often sit for months unsold with the prices being steadily reduced. Families
in the area struggle to find affordable 3-4 bed homes up to about £350,000.
I urge you to challenge this decision by the Scottish Government in the strongest terms and to seek to have this decision overturned as undemocratic.
Kind regards,
A local resident*.
September 2017.
*We respect the author's wish to remain anonymous.
Letter to Stirling Observer 19 January 2015
Park of Keir Planning Application
Dear Sir,
We have learnt that Stirling Council are meeting with the Park of Keir Partnership next week to discuss a revised application with reduced housing and that they have granted them an extension of time. The implication being that the Council will then see fit to pass this application.
The developers will reduce the number of houses from the 100 they claimed were needed to fund the tennis/golf project, down to approximately 20. By our reckoning the consequent shortfall in funding will require them to price these 20 houses at £3 million each! This is of course a nonsense and will not be their intention, instead 20 houses will eventually turn into 100 plus – a very familiar scenario.
This land is supposed to be protected by a legal agreement and planning regulations, which do not support any building here, not even a large indoor tennis complex. Stirling Council appears to be ignoring the terms of a directive to them from the Scottish Executive in December 2004, following the findings of the Reporter at the last Public Inquiry.
Approximately 800 letters of objection have been received and in the region of 10 in support.
We are deeply concerned at this apparent total lack of regard for the democratic process.
Ann Shaw
RAGE ( Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion)
Pendreich Rd.,
Bridge of Allan
Park of Keir Planning Application
Dear Sir,
We have learnt that Stirling Council are meeting with the Park of Keir Partnership next week to discuss a revised application with reduced housing and that they have granted them an extension of time. The implication being that the Council will then see fit to pass this application.
The developers will reduce the number of houses from the 100 they claimed were needed to fund the tennis/golf project, down to approximately 20. By our reckoning the consequent shortfall in funding will require them to price these 20 houses at £3 million each! This is of course a nonsense and will not be their intention, instead 20 houses will eventually turn into 100 plus – a very familiar scenario.
This land is supposed to be protected by a legal agreement and planning regulations, which do not support any building here, not even a large indoor tennis complex. Stirling Council appears to be ignoring the terms of a directive to them from the Scottish Executive in December 2004, following the findings of the Reporter at the last Public Inquiry.
Approximately 800 letters of objection have been received and in the region of 10 in support.
We are deeply concerned at this apparent total lack of regard for the democratic process.
Ann Shaw
RAGE ( Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion)
Pendreich Rd.,
Bridge of Allan